Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Repug Voters to Congress: No Government Health Care for You

I would have bet actual money that there was no hypocrisy on the part of rethuglicans that repug voters would not ignore on the principle of IOKIYAR.

But it seems that in demanding for themselves government health care they want to deny to everyone else, Congressional rethuglicans have crossed the line.

From TPM:

Republicans and independents have decided that incoming members of Congress who ran against health care reform and still take their government-funded benefits are hypocrites. Democrats, not so much.

That's one conclusion from a new national poll from Democratic firm PPP, which shows big majorities of GOP and independent voters saying the politicians who ran against the health care reform law should forgo the health care benefits they're entitled to as employees of the federal government.

Just 28% of Republican respondents said that new anti-reform members should take their federal benefits, while a whopping 58% said they shouldn't. Among independents -- who voted for the GOP in big numbers on Nov. 2 -- 56% say politicians who made health care repeal a cornerstone of their campaigns should deny themselves their government benefits. Only 27% said they should take them.

You tell 'em teabaggers: government health care is for commiemuslinterrists!

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