Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Paris Hilton vs. VA Nurses

Here's a good short way to describe our current economic non-debate, from Brad Reed at Crooks and Liars:

Joe Lieberman apparently thinks (freezing pay of federal workers) is a great idea. Joe Lieberman also wants to keep tax cuts for the richest 2% of Americans in place. In other words, Joe Lieberman supports denying pay increases to VA nurses taking care of wounded vets just so Paris Hilton can keep her precious, precious tax cut.

In case you haven't noticed, our political ruling class is deeply, deeply evil.

Ignore the mention of Joe Lieberman; he's just a stand-in for every rethuglican, teabagger and Blue Dog who also wants to -

deny pay increases to VA nurses taking care of wounded vets just so Paris Hilton can keep her precious, precious, tax cut.

Don't let anyone describe it any other way.

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