Monday, November 29, 2010

If you think poverty is a crime and war is a blessing ... you might be a republican

Via Down with Tyranny, the top 50 signs you might be a republican.

My favorites:

2. You believe stem cells are living human beings, but thousands of Iraqi children are ‘expendable collateral damage.’

5. You think trial lawyers are harmful to America, yet you support prosecuting some guy in Muncie Indiana who burned his 99¢ American flag that was made in China by forced child labor.

6. You’re all for the ‘rule of law’ when it’s applied to Bill Clinton for lying about his infidelity, but not for prosecuting Karl Rove and Scooter Libby for committing treason.

22. You believe patriotism means you should support your government right or wrong … unless a Democrat’s in power, then it’s your patriotic duty to call him a closet Muslim, challenge his birth certificate, expose his sex life and impeach him.

25. You think Darwin’s theory of evolution is a loony fairy tale, and mankind actually began with two naked teenagers, a magic apple and a talking snake.

Read them all here.

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