Friday, November 5, 2010

How to Fight the Health Care Repealers

Following our themes of Now We Fight and Taking It To The Enemy, karoli has a great idea:

Here's what I think Democrats should do. Democrats in the Senate should introduce a provision for optional buy-in to Medicare as an alternative to the individual mandate. This won't work either, but it will serve to fire up their base. They should introduce this as an amendment over, and over, and over, early and often. They could even offer two versions: one which is a Medicare buy-in and the other a separate, robust public option. They should keep hammering and hammering and hammering.

The worst case with that strategy is that all of it just becomes noise, while provisions of the health care law begin to take effect. The best thing that happens is Republicans will constantly be forced to defend their attack on pre-existing conditions, parents covering their kids, rescissions, and the other consumer protections. Democrats use that weakness to come around and hammer them about how their obsession with health care repeal is stopping all effort to economic growth.

Win, win. Works for me.

Read the whole thing.

Obstruction and sabotage do not come naturally to Democrats, unfortunately. But this isn't about scoring political points anymore. It isn't even about 2012. It's about preventing rethuglicans from literally destroying the country.

Idiotic tax cuts for the rich and spending cuts to eliminate the middle class are bad enough in a strong economy, like the one Clinton left Smirky/Darth, but survivable.

Today, with the economy collapsing, a rethuglican "budget" will put us beyond the hope of recovering. Ever.

Democrats better learn how to obstruct, and learn it fast.

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