Monday, November 15, 2010

Fighting the Man - and Winning

Everyone who's surprised that the "liberty" baggers aren't marching in the streets against our creeping police state, stand on your head.

Spread this one far and wide.

Via Digby, who comments:

Just read this story of Orwellian airport hell and then think about how many of our basic notions of freedom we've given up in the name of "Homeland Security" in the past few years. Then think about the fact that we are spending billions of dollars in this so-called era of austerity on bullshit like this, with layer upon layer of supervisors and officers and supervisory officers basically performing security theater for no good reason.

These routine insults, humiliations and suspensions of human dignity are training us to submit to the police state. I noticed this morning that in all the blathering about tax cuts and deficits, not one person brought up Homeland Security. That bloated budget is going to get bigger and bigger and bigger and if you build it they will use it. And the results of that are obvious.

More here.

As for the TSA moron babbling about the rights you sacrifice by buying an airline ticket: I actually have read the fine print on my airline ticket and there is nothing there about submitting to sexual assault.

I hope the blogger above sues the TSA, the airport, airport security, the San Diego police department and every employee involved in the incident individually.

1 comment:

  1. I've got just one word in response to this airport security-theater nonsense: "Amtrak".

    When the airlines find they're losing business because of these abuses, they'll get on board with curbing them.
