Saturday, October 30, 2010

"Work together to solve problems"

I'd like to think President Obama is setting up the repugs with this expectation of cooperation, but I'm afraid the evidence of the last 21 months indicates a pathological refusal to acknowledge the facts: it's a zero-sum game to the repugs, and they will destroy the country and themselves before they lift a finger in cooperation.

Full transcript here.

1 comment:

  1. The Republicans may eventually force Obama to fight for his political life. Not sure if you know, but the Conservative Caucus has passed around a fundraising letter for Obama's impeachment. I posted the letter on Even Mr. "Reach Across the Aisle" Obama may have to stop reaching when the Congressional Republicans start investigations for possible impeachment. The Republican base is not going to wait for 2012 to defeat Obama in the election. The Republican base wants Obama gone NOW, and they are going to demand investigations and eventual impeachment. Now, you and I know there is no real grounds for impeachment, but what does that matter to Republicans? Kind of hard to be nice to folks who want your head mounted on the wall. But then again, never underestimate the political ineptitude of the Obama Administration. It is rank incompetence to allow the descredited Republicans to come back to political life in just two years.
