Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Win or Lose, Teabagger Violence Will Escalate

All I have to say is: Those Paulbots - what class. And thanks, guys, for demonstrating to the entire world exactly what Rand Paul and his Talibantastic repug friends plan to do to America.

Jake and Media Czech - who was there, and witnessed and recorded it - are all over it.

David Neiwert has the bigger picture, and concludes:

So I wonder when our liberal media are going to notice that we have a trend going here, eh?

-- Mentally unstable nutcases threatening liberal campaigners in Washington state, Illinois and Vermont.
-- A swastika-laden white-powder-terrorism attack on a Democratic congressman's offices.
-- Thugs hired by the Republican candidate in Alaska roughing up and handcuffing a reporter for asking questions at a public event.
-- Violent gunmen targeting liberal organizations after being inspired by right-wing talk-show hosts.
-- Republican congressional candidates who insist that a violent overthrow of the government is "on the table" if the 2010 Election fails to produce the desired right-wing takeover of Congress.
But of course, these are all "isolated incidents" that have nothing to do with each other, right?

Alex Seitz-Wald at ThinkProgress has more.

Read the whole thing and get the links here.

David Kurtz at TPM passes along a good analysis of the prosecution options for the curb-stomper.

But the description of Lexington/Fayette Commonwealth Attorney Ray Larson as "tough, hard-nosed" is laughably understated. Ray Larson would hold public executions in front of the courthouse if he thought he could get away with it.

If you wanted someone to suffer enormously, you couldn't do much better than advise him to commit a felony assault in public, on camera, in Ray Larson's jurisdiction.


  1. At least one video of the stomping has been taken down from YouTube. If it's the Randroids trying to suppress the evidence, surely they're making a mistake. In fact, even if it isn't them, it looks bad.

    I hear Profitt was wearing one of those "Don't tread on me" buttons during the assault.

  2. Hey Man, sorry I disappeared for a while, I've been ill. That being said, I'm glad you posted on this brown shirt takeover. Reminds me of certain countries back in the 30s.
    Is Palin the new Hitler? Is Rand Paul the Stalin?
    Main street media once more glosses over facts and plays down actions.
    Keep up the good fight and remember you and Infidel are some of the best writers out here.
