Monday, October 11, 2010

Tea Party Darling Rand Paul Goes Commie

Paul's flips are almost beyond the ability of ordinary mortals to follow, but fortunately for us, Media Czech is no ordinary mortal:

Rand Paul constantly argues that we need to let rich people horde all of their money, since they are the chosen people who create jobs and wealth, and anyone who advocates taking money from them is committing class warfare and most likely a socialist/collectivist/statist.

But we all know how Rand Paul acts when he faces political pressure. Stop, squirm, and run, like the very worst kind of stereotypical politician. And since he's under a deluge of pressure because of his stupid Medicare deductible remarks, guess who has to duck now?

Rich folks:

Republican Senate candidate Rand Paul brought up the idea of having wealthier people pay more for Medicare coverage during a speech in his hometown of Bowling Green.

I'm so glad that Rand Paul is now down with "punishing people because they're successful" and "spreading the wealth". Karl Marx is smiling up at him from Commie Atheist Hell.

Read the whole thing.

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