Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Organize and Fight Back Against Foreclosures

This isn't the first time bankers have used a housing crisis to throw working people out into the streets. Attempts at mass foreclosure are a huge opportunity for working people, if we can only organize. It worked before.

From Crooks and Liars:

Did you know that during the Greater Depression, communists and socialists organized people all over the country to stop foreclosures and evictions? Why aren't more of us doing it now?


The landlords continued their offensive and the judges rarely considered the neediness of the families. By December 1932 is appeared that the Bronx rent strikes had largely been crushed.

But then something happened.

in December of 1932 and January of 1933, the Unemployed Councils began a new wave of strikes that rapidly assumed far greater proportions than the last one. Beginning in Crotona Park East, the strikes spread into Brownsville, Williamsburg, Boro Park, the Lower East Side, and much of the East Bronx. In February of 1933, a panicked Real Estate News writer warned that "there are more than 200 buildings in the Borough of the Bronx in which rent strikes are in progress, and a considerably greater number in which such disturbances are brewing or in contemplation."

Yes, when you push people to the edge, sooner or later, they're going to fight back.

Wall Street and the bankers are on the ropes. They are looking at losing literally trillions of dollars in mortgages that they can't prove they own. We are on the verge of a massive reconstruction of the entire financial system - one that will leave financiers at the mercy of workers in a way that grows and supports the economy rather than exploiting it.

Don't give in to the thieves. Fight back. You have nothing to lose and a new world to gain.

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