Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fire Season Begins as Drought Expands

All of Western, Northern and Central Kentucky are now officially in drought, just as the fall wildfire season begins.

Wildfires have become a serious issue in areas experiencing drought conditions. The Division of Forestry reports a very large increase in wildfires during the month of September. The largest number of fires have been located in the Big Sandy, Pennyrile, Green River, Lincoln Trail and Kentuckiana Regional Planning and Development Agency drought management areas. The public is urged to take steps to prevent wildfires from starting.

The Fall Forest Fire Hazard Season begins today and a number of counties are already under burn bans. A list of counties currently under a burn ban can be found at

This drought is bad, people. Established trees are dying, their leaves shriveling up as if flame already licked at them. Bluegrass so lush in the spring floods that we had to mow three times a week is now brown sawgrass that will slice your feet to shreds. The tiniest spark will set the whole state afire.

So don't be stupid.

The Kentucky Division of Forestry (KDF) is preparing for an active wildfire season this year as low humidity, low fuel moisture and increased fuel loads could cause high to very high burning conditions.

“The division has been fighting wildfires consistently since drought conditions began in September,” said Leah MacSwords, director of the Division of Forestry. “Our firefighters face many risks and we’ve already suffered one serious injury this season; therefore, we’re urging everyone to take extra precautions this year. I also urge the public to be extra vigilant in protecting their homes from wildfires. Report any arsonist activity they see to local law enforcement. The life or home they save may be theirs or their neighbors.”

The fall forest fire hazard season runs through Dec. 15. During this time, it is illegal to burn anything within 150 feet of any woodland or brushland between the daylight hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. The law is intended to prevent forest fires by allowing outdoor burning only after 6 p.m. when conditions are less likely to cause a wildfire to spread. Many counties have local burning bans in place making it illegal to burn outdoors at anytime while the ban is in place.

To help prevent wildfires, KDF recommends the following precautions:

·Be aware of all outdoor burning restrictions, including forest fire hazard seasons, air pollution regulations, restrictions imposed by local ordinances and county burn bans.

·Avoid burning debris during fire hazard seasons and during times of dry, windy conditions. Outdoor burning is illegal between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. in or within 150 feet of any woodland or brushland during forest fire hazard seasons.

·Extinguish all campfires and debris piles completely. Never leave a fire unattended and always extinguish fires if conditions become too windy. The smallest spark can lead to a dangerous wildfire.

·Extinguish smoking materials properly. Put out cigarettes, cigars, or pipes only in cleared areas free of vegetation or debris. A carelessly discarded cigarette can start a wildfire that could blacken thousands of acres.

·Avoid parking cars, trucks, or recreational vehicles on dry vegetation. The exhaust system on a vehicle can reach a temperature of more than 1,000 degrees, which is hot enough to start a wildfire during our current dry season.

·Incorporate ‘Firewise’ practices around homes and communities in forested areas. Firewise practices range from creating a defensible space by removing leaves, debris and firewood to ensuring access for safety personnel and equipment in rural or isolated areas.

·Report suspicious acts of arson to the nearest Kentucky State Police post or call the Target Arson Hotline at 1-800-27-ARSON.

For more information about how you can prevent wildfires, contact the Kentucky Division of Forestry at 1-800-866-0555 or visit the division’s website at

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