Saturday, September 4, 2010

Tip the Social Security Fight Back to Our Side

Because you never know how close a campaign is to the tipping point of succeeding until it gets there, every email, every letter, every call, every internet petition counts.

So take 30 seconds and sign this one.

Despite the thousands of you who responded to our call last week to oust Alan Simpson from the White House debt commission, the White House has accepted Simpson's narrow apology and he's expected to remain as co-chair.

But our fight is not over, and it's bigger than one man.

Click here to tell the White House: Take Social Security off the debt commission chopping block.

We will not stop insisting Simpson be removed. But the bigger issue is not that Alan Simpson harbors a long-standing hatred of Social Security and mocks those receiving it.

It's that Social Security does not add one penny to the national debt, and has no business being on the debt commission table.

Worse, many of those gathered around the debt commission table have sharp knives.

Click here to tell the White House: Take Social Security off the debt commission chopping block.

Even more disturbing than Simpson's mean-spirited and ignorant comments about Social Security (and the people who count on it) is the number of debt commission members that share similar views.

Nearly all the Republican-appointed members of the commission support privatizing Social Security. Several other members are openly supportive of cutting benefits.

The fate of Social Security does not belong in their hands.

Click here to tell the White House: Take Social Security off the debt commission chopping block.

The President has repeatedly said, "Social Security is not in crisis." The debt commission's own executive director has said Social Security should not be "used for deficit reduction purposes."

Yet the debt commission continues to have an unhealthy obsession with cutting Social Security.

Simpson should be off the debt commission. But most importantly, so should Social Security.

Help us send that message to the White House, loud and clear.


Roger Hickey, Co-director
Campaign for America's Future

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