Thursday, September 2, 2010

Time to Start a Fight

Yes, I know - Barack Obama is constitutionally unable to take the fight to the repugs who are 62 days away from destroying his presidency and the country along with it.

But the mewling apologists are wrong when they claim there's nothing he can do.

Ian Welsh explains:

A zombie argument is going around about why Obama hasn't accomplished liberal and progressive ends to the extent many would have liked him to:

Obama can't do anything because he needs 60 votes in Congress and he doesn't have them because Republicans and Dems like Lieberman and Nelson won't vote for his programs.

This argument is misleading in one sense and incorrect in another. It is misleading in that it misrepresents how things get done in Congress. It is incorrect in that many liberal policies do not require the consent of Congress.

Let's examine the misconceptions this zombie argument is built on.

Negotiation 101

Let's look at how things get done in Congress. Obama apologists make the excuse that Obama couldn't have passed a larger stimulus because he was forced to reduce the stimulus by $100 billion as it was. This line of reasoning demonstrates a misunderstanding of how negotiation (or Congress) works.


Force It Through

Many liberal policies do not require the consent of congress.


Congress: Who Cares about Congress?

Now, let's talk about other issues. There are many areas where Obama does not need Congress's approval.


In short, Obama has managed to side-step Congress in order to work against Democratic policy positions (e.g., Social Security), but otherwise has ignored executive privilege when he wanted to continue Bush-era policies (e.g., detention without trial at Gitmo) or to ignore the rights and needs of everyday Americans (e.g., HAMP and DADT). To the Obama administration, Congress is a very selective obstacle..

Going Forward: What Obama Can Still Do

Not only could Obama rectify DADT, HAMP, Habeus Corpus, and his Social Security commission with a stroke of his pen, he can still do a great deal to help the economy. If he wants to.


Obama had the power. Obama had the money. Obama has the power--and the money.

The idea that Obama, or any President, is a powerless shrinking violet, helpless in the face of Congress is just an excuse. Presidents have immense amounts of power: the question is whether or not they use that power, and if they do, what they use it for.

Obama has a huge slush fund with hundreds of billions of dollars and all the executive authority he needs to turn things around.

If Obama is not using that money and authority, the bottom line is it's because he doesn't want to.

Putting aside the question of what Obama could have accomplished already, if he wants to help everyday Americans, turn around Democratic approval ratings in time for the midterm elections, and leave behind him a legacy of achievemant, he can still do it. If he wants to.

Read the whole thing.

Then call or email the White House and tell President Obama it's time to use the power we gave him.

1 comment:

  1. Hell I've nothing to lose. I do it all the time. My wife and I were scheduled to go to the White House. We made reservations. About a week before we were to go we got an email saying sorry we were declined. Hehehe
    Me thinks I'm on the shit list. So hell ya I'll write em.
