Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Theologian: Christianity So Weak, Yoga Can Beat It Up

If you still wonder why I'm so sure that belief in an invisible sky wizard precludes rational thought, wonder no more:

Yoga can be dangerous to Christians' faith, the president of Louisville's Southern Baptist Theological Seminary warns.

The popular discipline of meditation and stretching is so interwoven with Eastern mysticism that it is “at odds with the Christian understanding,” Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President Albert Mohler wrote on Monday on his blog.

“Christians are not called to empty the mind or to see the human body as a means of connecting to and coming to know the divine,” Mohler wrote. “Believers are called to meditate upon the Word of God — an external Word that comes to us by divine revelation — not to meditate by means of incomprehensible syllables.”

Mohler's posture has drawn a mix of bafflement and criticism from those who practice yoga, which is even taught in many churches and which many people see as unrelated to its ancient roots in India.

Mohler isn't your typical mouth-breathing snake-handler; he's the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

And he's just announced that xianity is so fragile, and its adherents so stupid, that their faith will crumble under the pressure of ... exercise.

Guess that explains the epidemic of obesity among freakazoids.

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