Saturday, September 18, 2010

Support a Real Democrat in Kentucky's Second

Are you sick and fucking tired of Blue Dog/DINO candidates who either can't beat the repugs they're copying or who will cruise back to Congress only to vote with Orange Boner?

Here's something to soothe your Real Democratic soul: the Democratic challenger in Kentucky's Second Congressional District, which includes the current residence of none other than Rand Paul.

Ed Marksberry is exactly the kind of candidate the Kentucky Democratic Party should be thanking their lucky stars for: genuine, populist, a working-class regular guy standing up for working-class Kentuckians. But the repug-run KDP is ignoring him, which is why you should support him.

Both Jake and Media Czech featured this new video from Ed yesterday.

Yes, he's a country guy with a country accent and a true Democratic heart whom patrician millionaire Franklin Delano Roosevelt would embrace without hesitation.

As Jake wrote:

It’s a shame the Kentucky Democratic Party has washed its hands with decent candidates like Ed.

Media Czech:

I don't think that Ed has good chance of winning, but it's refreshing to have a Democrat running in this state that doesn't fawn over god-awful Republican ideas like extending Bush's tax cuts for the top 2%. And he's also a good, decent guy who is stepping up to challenge Brett Guthrie even though his chances were slim and he's not getting help from the state party.

Here's his website.

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