Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Real Pro-Life Protest

They weren't armed. They weren't demanding blood be spilled in a violent overthrow of the government. They didn't spout lies or twist history or whine about taxes.

They performed peaceful civil disobedience in support of communities being murdered by corporate greed.

From the Herald:

About 100 people, including at least a dozen from Kentucky, were arrested outside the White House on Monday while protesting mountaintop-removal mining.

The protesters were arrested after refusing orders from U.S. Park Police to leave the sidewalk outside the White House. They staged a rally at nearby Freedom Plaza earlier in the day.

"It was my first adventure being arrested," Teri Blanton, former president of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth, said by phone after being released from jail Monday evening.

She said she wasn't aiming to get arrested but thought civil disobedience was worth it.

"The message was to President Obama and his administration that our people and our mountains are being destroyed and water polluted," Blanton said.

Rick Handshoe of Floyd County said the protest was about more than mountaintop-removal mining.

"It's not just about the environment. They're killing the environment and they're killing people," he said. "This is about death. ..."

Read the whole thing.

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