Monday, September 6, 2010

A Rally for Real Solutions

No vapid appeals to invisible sky wizards, no racist dog-whistles, no false history, no fake tears; just demands for reality-based solutions to real problems.


It's not a sexy as Glenn Beck and his Black Robed Regiment of Christian Reconstructionists (just don't call them Mullahs ...) but this rally scheduled for next month in DC is just a teensy bit more relevant to our current problems. It's called One America, Working Together.

Here's the agenda:

Provide immediate relief for those who are currently unemployed

* Extend jobless benefits, COBRA, mortgage assistance, and other initiatives for those currently out of work.
* Target help for populations and communities in the greatest need

Provide immediate action to stimulate job growth and consumer demand

* Provide aid to states and cities – including direct job creation at local levels – especially in education, health care, social services and first-responder workforces
* Increase the ability of small businesses to obtain loans
* Fund infrastructure investment that spurs economic growth and clean energy enterprises

Provide a fair chance for everyone to succeed and advance in the workplace

* Everyone who works in America should have the right to join with their co-workers to have a voice on the job
* Pay all workers wages that allow them to support their families
* Increase and index the minimum wage
* Close all pay gaps
* End all forms of workplace discrimination
* Protect, honor, fully apply, and expand equal opportunity and diverse business inclusion practices
* Make every job a good and safe job
* Provide paid sick days and paid family leave for all workers

Refocus Our Nation’s Fiscal Priorities

* End the foreclosure epidemic and save the homes of America’s families
* Reform bankruptcy laws to protect families and working people
* Prioritize affordable housing for all
* Protect and strengthen Social Security and Medicare
* Repair private pension systems
* Complete the promise of health care reform, including the public option
* Provide greater national investment in new jobs, improved infrastructure, and education instead of increased military spending

Improve consumer protections

* Prohibit and punish predatory lending and mortgage scams
* Increase watchdog powers of institutions, including the Consumer Financial Protection Agency
* Avoid taxpayer bailouts of financial institutions deemed “too big to fail”

That's called liberal populism folks. It's an agenda that would probably appeal to a whole lot of people if they only knew about it.

Click here for details.

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