Thursday, September 9, 2010

"Government should do for the people what they cannot do better for themselves"

Wonder of wonders, he may actually be on a roll.

As Digby said:

I have never been one of those who was mesmerized by Barack Obama's speeches. I don't know why. It's not that I disagreed with him particularly, but I just never felt the magic. But I think I liked today's speech more than any I've ever heard him give in a long time.

I didn't see it, I read it. And if he delivered it with any passion at all I'm hopeful that it signals that he's "turned the page" on his quixotic crusade to bridge the unbridgeable bridge between red and blue, at least for the time being. This was a speech in which he formally threw in the towel on kumbaaya, which is not only the best politics for the moment, it's long overdue.

I wish he'd left out so much about the deficit, but at least he acknowledged that the Democrats created a surplus that was frittered away on tax cuts for the wealthy. And while I understand the antipathy toward him using Republican heroes to demonstrate his own values it's smart to do it because it puts the Republicans on defense. (You know how mad it makes Democrats to have wingnuts use JFK as their own, right?) I'm not sure about Reagan "saving social security" but he did sign a huge tax increase to stabilize it for decades, so that's something I guess. Certainly, it's something that will drive the neo-libertarian tea partiers nuts. I like that.

It's a good speech, not much fatuous "Mission Accomplished", more "Stay The Course." But he puts the blame squarely on the Republicans for their obstruction, which regardless of the administration's own misapprehensions about the nature of the opposition and what was needed to pull the nation out of this awful slump, is good politics. It's too late to do fix the economy before the election, so playing the blame game is all they have. (It also has the benefit of being true.) Obama played it well today.

Watch it:

Read it here.

1 comment:

  1. Social Security is a Godsend for many people who would simply fall through the cracks if they didn't have that money to get them through their retirement years. I recently read about an 85 year old woman who just retired and was worried that she could not live on her Social Security check. Source listed below. Presently, Social Security is working. However, the system will soon be overwhelmed to the point of self-destruction as tens of millions of new recipients enter the system and plan to receive their monthly checks. How secure is Social Security, and Can Social Security be Saved? are a couple of insightful posts that address the system's problems and offer several practical solutions for someone who is nearing retirement to consider. Social Security can and will be saved in some form in the future. However, its metamorphosis, in both dollars received and the age at which one may receive them, may be unrecognizable to the average retiree of today.
