Sunday, September 26, 2010

Conway Cuts Paul's Lead from 15 to ... Two

Don't panic, folks: Jack has more than five weeks to let his republican-lite freak flag fly. He can still lose this one.

And yes, this poll is of likely voters:

Democrat Jack Conway has cut sharply into Republican Rand Paul's once-commanding lead in Kentucky's U.S. Senate race, moving into a statistical tie with a little more than five weeks before Election Day, according to the latest Courier-Journal/WHAS11 Bluegrass Poll.

The poll shows that Conway, the state's attorney general, is now appealing to voters who say they are neutral on the tea party — Paul's base of support.

And Conway is building a significant lead among women, who earlier were almost evenly split between the two candidates.

According to the poll, Paul leads Conway 49 percent to 47 percent, with 4 percent undecided. That lead is well within the poll's 4 percentage point margin of error.

The poll, conducted by SurveyUSA, questioned 611 likely voters Tuesday through Thursday.

The previous Bluegrass poll, released the first week of September, showed Paul leading Conway 55 percent to 40 percent.

Read the whole thing here because you won't find it on Jack's website.

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