Thursday, August 12, 2010

Rand Paul: E. KY Drug Problem? What Drug Problem?

I honestly didn't think Rand Paul could say anything more out of touch with Kentucky reality than claiming that people threw beer on speakers at booze-free Fancy Farm, but boy was I wrong.

Sooooooo wrong.

Republican U.S. Senate nominee Rand Paul said he doesn’t think the drug problem in Eastern Kentucky is “a real pressing issue,” even though others have described substance abuse in the region as an epidemic.

Paul’s latest comment, made in late July while speaking to an Associated Press reporter, expands on his previously stated position in favor of cutting federal funding for undercover drug investigations and drug treatment programs. Many officials say both are badly needed in Appalachia, a hotbed for marijuana growers and drug dealers selling prescription pills and methamphetamines.

His Democratic opponent, Jack Conway, favors using federal money, as does the region’s Republican congressman, U.S. Rep. Harold Rogers of Somerset.

Read the whole thing.

OK, seriously: a candidate actually trying to throw this race would never say anything so - oh, what's the phrase? - over-the-top STOOPIT.

Drugs are not of course the only problem in Eastern Kentucky, which has way more than its share of very serious problems, but ubiquitous drug abuse is the obstacle that prevents progress on any of the other problems: poverty, crime, school dropout rates, domestic abuse, poor health, lack of jobs, the power of the lethal and destructive coal industry - the list doesn't end.

Shit, even the drug dealers in Eastern Kentucky know it's "a real pressing issue."

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