Sunday, August 15, 2010

Just Say No to the Negative Nancies

At some point during Fancy Farm, someone handed me a flyer with a list of 25 things republicans have voted against. I don't know who it was or what organization the person represented, and there is nothing on the flyer giving credit for compiling the list or printing it up. Whoever you are, thank you. Here it is:

1. NO to Wall Street reform
2. NO to Stimulus
3. NO to Lilly Ledbetter equal pay for equal work act
4. NO to Hate crimes prevention act
5. NO to Student loan reform
6. NO to Healthcare reform
7. NO to Cancelling the F-22 - a plane the military doesn't want
8. NO to Funding energy and science research which Bush passed but never funded.
9. NO to Nuclear arms (reduction) deal with Russia
10. NO to US Navy increasing patrols off Somali Coast
11. NO to attractive tax write-offs for those to buy hybrid automobiles
12. NO to Cash for clunkers program and stimulating auto sales
13. NO to Announced plans to purchase fuel-efficient American-made fleet for the federal government
14. NO to Expanding the SCHIP program to cover health care for 4 million more children
15. NO to Signing national service legislation/expanding national youth service program
16. NO to Instituting a new policy on Cuba, allowing Cuban families to return home to visit loved ones
17. NO to Ending the previous policy of not regulating and labeling carbon dioxide emissions
18. NO to Expanding vaccination programs
19. NO to Closing offshore tax havens for corporations
20. NO to Negotiating deal with Swiss banks to permit US governmenbt to gain access to records of tax evaders and criminals
21. NO to Ending the previous policy of offering tax benefits to corporations who outsource
22. NO to growing American jobs through a policy promoting in-sourcing to bring jobs back to America
23. NO to Lower drug costs for seniors
24. NO to Tax cuts for small business
25. NO to Cap and Trade that republicans originally proposed and campaigned for two years ago.

Those are just a few of the things they voted AGAINST. What does it all mean?

That they voted FOR Corporation Interests over the American People.

If republicans are against helping America's middle class and poor ....

WHY would anyone vote for them in November?

They drove the economic car into the ditch and now they want the keys back!

Just say NO!

No, not very sophisticated, but sophisticated arguments don't get very far in American politics these days. Print it out and see what reaction it gets at Labor Day picnics.

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