Monday, August 2, 2010

How ObamaCare Will Kill Everybody in Kentucky Immediately

David Shankula at Barefoot and Progressive uncovers the truth:

Tom Eblen at the Herald-Leader's got the details on how Obamacare is going to cart off your grandma and murder her and generally bankrupt and/or kill everyone else by giving more people access to insurance.

The study was conducted by over 100 Communistic groups like the white-haired pinkos at the AARP, the Stalinistic heathens at the American Cancer Society, the fascist pigs at the American Heart Association and the godless America-haters at the Kentucky Council of Churches and the Catholic Conference of Kentucky.

In short, it's a vile, disgusting report and it is full of lies. Like these:

  • Kentucky is the 47th poorest state.
  • 626,000 people don't have health insurance.
  • Only 41% of small employers offer health insurance.
And how will Fuhrer Obama destroy this great state? Like this!

  • Insurers will not be able to deny coverage to 920,000 people they claim have "pre-existing conditions."
  • 40% of the state's uninsured population will have access to coverage by 2014.
  • 16,000 young adults will be able to keep their insurance longer.
This is truly a disgusting picture. And it's just the tip of the iceberg. Eblen's got more on this new obamanation.

And Shankula has more on who of Kentucky's congress critters are to blame. Read the whole thing.

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