Thursday, August 5, 2010

Hit 'Em Again - Harder, Harder

Zandar sees Democratic economic legislation - the kind that wins mid-term elections - on a roll:

Harry Reid is apparently feeling his oats after getting the state mini-stimulus bill through the Senate today (which may mean the House will come back early to finish business on that) announcing that he will be forcing the Republicans into a showdown on the Bush tax cuts before Election Day.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) plans to take up legislation in September to address the tax cuts passed under President George W. Bush.

Senior Democrats had expected the controversial issue to be postponed until after the election, when a fiscal responsibility commission appointed by President Obama is due to release its recommendations.

Instead, Democrats will debate the highly contentious issue of whether to extend more than $3 trillion in tax cuts passed under Bush before Election Day.

The tax cuts, which include reductions of the marginal income and capital gains tax rates and repeal of the estate tax, are due to expire at the end of the year.

“I expect it to be on the floor in September,” said Reid spokesman Jim Manley.

Reid isn't as dumb as people think he is. He's betting that the Teabaggers will call the GOP's bluff on fiscal responsibility. If Reid plays his cards right, he'll have the GOP declaring how we can't raise taxes on the rich, but have to force states to lay off hundreds of thousands of workers and cut social programs because we can't afford it.

And you know what? People don't mind raising taxes on those who can afford it. Smart play by Reid. Make the GOP choose big corporations and wealthy donors over "Real Americans" who want to see the deficit lowered, because that's exactly what they will do.

November results: Democrats plus five in the House, plus one in the Senate.

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