Thursday, August 12, 2010

Harry Reid's Balls Are Way Bigger Than Jack Conway's

There's only one way to campaign against a crazy repug: Go on offense. Stay on offense. Double down on offense.

Harry Reid shows how it's done.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) is not backing down from a strong remark he made yesterday -- that Hispanics should not be Republicans because of that party's actions blocking immigration reform.

"I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, OK," Reid said on Tuesday. "Do I need to say more?"

The Republicans immediately took this as being a gaffe, and posted this very short video snippet online ....

Republican nominee Sharron Angle's campaign also pounced, telling Politico that "Harry Reid cannot give any good reasons why people should vote for him, so now he is turning to race and ethnicity," also adding: "Reid is desperate to change the subject from the economy, which he knows is a losing issue for him."

But in a statement this morning, Team Reid stood by it -- and dug in further by asking how anyone could be a Republican.

"Sen. Reid has long enjoyed the support of many Hispanic Republicans in Nevada and he appreciates that support. Sen. Reid's contention was simply that he doesn't understand how anyone, Hispanic or otherwise, would vote for Republican candidates because they oppose saving teachers' jobs, oppose job-creating tax incentives for small businesses, oppose investments in job-creating clean energy projects, and oppose the help for struggling, unemployed Nevadans to put food on the table and stay in their homes.

"Nevadans are suffering in this economy. Senator Reid was rightly pointing out that Republicans like Sharron Angle who oppose job-creating measures and unemployment benefits, oppose emergency aid to save 1200 Nevada teachers, and who want to wipe out critical programs like Social Security and Medicare, are part of the problem, not part of the solution."

The Reid camp also pointed out how Angle supports eliminating birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants, noting her use of the term "anchor babies," and that Angle has reportedly shunned the state's Hispanic media.

Read the whole thing.

Read that statement again, Jack. You could change the names and substitute "Kentuckians" for "Nevadans" and it would work just as well against Rand Paul.

If you had balls like Harry Reid's.

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