Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Dear Mayfield, KY: Somali Muslims Are Too Good for You Racist Fuckers

Everyone in Mayfield who is not white and Xian should pack up and leave right now. Let the hate-mongering retards left behind find out just how much their economy depended on the Others they chased away.

Media Czech has the shameful details and video:

Islamophobe fever from the Fox News crowd continues to sweep through Kentucky. First, it was in Florence, KY. Now, they have won their battle out west in Mayfield, KY. This morning they voted to deny a permit for Somali muslims wanting to put a mosque in a strip mall. Here's the report from the local news station the night before that is just horrific.

Watch the video here and read the whole disgusting, demoralizing thing.

Now, who do I see about filing a complaint against Mayfield for aiding and abetting terrorists? Because they're doing exactly what Osama bin Laden wants.

1 comment:

  1. Let me tell you something, I think everyone deserves their freedom of religeon, however, we still have laws to obey and the Samolians, you think you only have to obey your religeon and anything else goes. WRONG! If you don't like our rules in Mayfield Ky. GO HOME. We are fighting to keep our God in our schools, but Pilgrims Pride provides a place for you to worship? Please. If one of us had suggested a place to worship in any business, We as Kentuckians, Americans, would have been denied that priviliage, consider yourselves lucky you get to worship where you do. We have "Churches" (not mosques) compare apples to apples not apples to oranges. We are not going around trying to kidnap innocent children walking home from school, Oh, I guess you forgot to mention that! You don't get your way so you come here and try to hurt our brothers and sisters, you need to get your priorities straight. The Mexican generation is here, and I'm sure they do not all believe how we do. They are not here, though causing trouble. They work, and take care of their families. I am white and I don't care what color you are I love all of "Gods" children but I detest anyone who tries to come to our bible belt and change the way we live. You will not take over here. If you feel so strongly about it why didn't you go against your government at home? Oh they might have killed you for believing at all. ?Consider yourself lucky to be in America, and if you don't like it here, take your trouble making Asses back home. No one else is trying to harm our children here, how do you expect us to feel about you? You think you are superior to women..and spit in childrens faces, you raped a woman in another part of Kentucky and you seriously want us to help you? WTF? Yes, youre all crazy, we don't have to like you and that is OUR right.
