Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Congressional Democrats Just Saved Your State's Ass

If you're a teacher and still have your job, thank Congressional Democrats. If Medicaid keeps you out of the hospital, thank Congressional Democrats. If you'd rather your state didn't fall headfirst into a no-money pit and sink without a trace, thank Congressional Democrats.

Go ahead, call out your state's repug senators: the fuckers all voted against it. You from Maine there in the back, sit down; I don't know what Snowe and Collins are, but they aren't repugs after today.

First, from David Dayen at Firedoglake, the dramatic tic-toc:

The Senate has begun their cloture vote on the state fiscal aid bill, which would provide $26.1 billion dollars in Medicaid and education jobs funding. The bill, a gut-and-amend of an FAA Authorization Bill, is fully paid for through a series of measures, including an $11.9 billion dollar cut to the food stamp program, starting in 2014. Allies pushing for this vote vow to restore that funding in later years.

I’ll update as it goes along. All eyes are on three Senators: Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, and Ben Nelson.

…Even if this vote passes, the House would have to concur, and they’re not supposed to be in session until September. There was talk yesterday of calling the House back to pass this.

…Scott Brown votes no, he actually authored a state aid bill that was fully paid for that was substantially similar to this.

…Ben Nelson votes Aye, as does Lieberman and Pryor. Basically, if Collins or Snowe votes Aye, this will pass.

…Susan Collins votes Aye, so this is going to pass today. We’ll see if the House goes into session for it. And of course, it just delays a cut to the poor out four years, so there’s work to be done.

…Snowe also voted Aye.

…The motion passes 61-38. I would expect final passage to happen sometime this week.

Then, the moment of truth: would the Democratic House, which has already adjourned and left town, leave states hanging until Congress returns in September? Or would they ride to the rescue?

Surprise! Steve Benen:

Today, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D) announced she's calling everyone back. In a Twitter message, Pelosi said:

I will be calling the House back into session early next week to save teachers' jobs and help seniors & children

Great move. At issue is a state aid package, including $10 billion to save school teachers' jobs, and $16.1 billion in state Medicaid funding. There's been a very real possibility that, by the time the House passed the Senate measure, thousands of teachers will have already been laid off. It's precisely why the Speaker is doing the right thing by announcing an emergency session.

Though some members are traveling abroad and may not be on hand for next week's vote, House passage is considered a near-certainty.

I'll also look forward to some heartening drama -- Democrats rushing back to D.C. for an emergency session, to save the jobs of thousands of school teachers? Shortly before an election? Aaron Sorkin couldn't write it any better.

Think I'll double-down on my prediction that not only will Democrats hang on to Congress in November, but will keep the current seat margines: Now I'll say that Democrats will actually add five seats in the House and one in the Senate.

1 comment:

  1. I so hope your right. I wouldn't trust nelson to wipe his ass correctly. I don't trust the bastard.
    Here's hoping!!!
