Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Citizens United Abomination in Action

The Target debacle taught corporations that funding wingnut freakazoid GOP candidates under their own names was not smart (which is also why they are fighting so hard against the DISCLOSE Act.) But that doesn't mean they've given up on using their billions to hand Congress back to the repugs who destroyed the country.

No, they're just giving the money - billions and billions and billions of dollars that they've stacked up thanks to repug tax breaks and repug obstruction of economic stimulus that might make them spend that money on hiring people instead of defeating Democratic candidates - they're giving that money to front groups.

Karoli at Crooks and Liars has the details:

The next time you hear a news story where Republicans cry poor, remember this. The RNC is irrelevant. These days, post-Citizens United, the money is staying in the control of independent organizations, all $400 million of it pledged toward the midterm elections.

Four hundred million dollars. Wow. Think Progress has an eye-opener of a report about the organizations behind the big bucks. Clearly the Republican strategy was to fragment and spread out the money across many different facets, so they could sweep in the most people/interests at once.

Read the whole thing.

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