Monday, August 23, 2010

Celebrate the Vote This Thursday in Frankfort

Good on the Kentucky Commission on Women for this.

The 90th Anniversary of women winning the right to vote in America is August 26, 2010, and we must not let this date pass without fanfare, celebration, and meaning. The Kentucky Commission on Women invites you to join in the VOTES for WOMEN Celebration … 90 YEARS and COUNTING! This event will be held on Thursday, August 26th, 2010 at the State Capitol in Frankfort, Kentucky beginning at 10:30 a.m. On this day, let’s demonstrate the pride we take in honoring our foremothers for fighting for the right to have our voices heard through the power of the vote.

To get yourself in the proper mood of outrage, watch Iron-Jawed Angels, the HBO movie that spars no gruesome detail in dramatizing the battle - and battle it was, including casualties - to extend the vote to half the population. Read the synopsis here and here.

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