Saturday, August 14, 2010

Attn Jack Conway: What Part Of This Chart Do You Not Understand?

Ryan Alessi gets the idiot on tape:

Conway said he favors keeping in place many of the cuts approved during George W. Bush’s administration. Among those specific breaks Conway favors keeping for “five, eight, maybe 10″ years include lower income tax rates for wealthy and middle class Americans and a lower capital gains tax. And he said he wants to continue the temporary elimination of the estate tax.

Such positions are similar to that of his Republican opponent, Rand Paul.


Wire Hangar, KY-DINO, of course supports keeping the Bush deficit exploders, but that's because he's a repug.

Conway, I'm sorry to say, is just fucking stupid. Want to wrap this race up tomorrow, Jack? Tell the truth:

"Rand Paul, like Mitch McConnell and the rest of the repugs, wants to take 34 billion of your tax dollars and give it to their already obscenely wealthy friends. I want those obscenely wealthy people to start paying their fair share of taxes, so that we can use that money to create jobs, save Social Security and lower taxes for Kentucky's working people."

If you don't get that, you richly deserve to lose. But because this country does not deserve the feudal, serf-driven economy Rand Paul has in mind for us, I am begging you - begging you - to stop playing repug lite, get economically populist, and give Democratic voters a reason to go to the polls.

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