Saturday, August 28, 2010

And the Hate Rolls On

Covington is spitting distance from Florence, where the frightwing hatemongers are still pissing and screaming over a tiny religious minority holding services in a nondescript building.

Scott Wartman from the Kentucky Enquirer:

Two days after the Covington City Commission held a press conference reaffirming the city's human rights ordinance, people in the MainStrasse neighborhood woke up Thursday to dozens of anti-gay fliers posted on poles and placed on windshields.

The fliers come in the wake of a series of crimes that police and residents believe have targeted the city's gay community.

The Covington Police are investigating who is responsible for the fliers. The person or persons could face fines for violating of the city's sign ordinance, which prohibits signs and advertisements to be attached to lamp posts and utilities, said City Solicitor Frank Warnock. Fines can range from $100 to $500 per violation to a maximum of $10,000.

"We are locating them and removing the hateful remarks from the public areas," said Spike Jones, assistant chief with the Covington Police. "They are violating city ordinances being posted on trees and poles. We are very concerned about the message this flier contains."

Read the whole thing.

Almost thirty years ago, Rosalind Carter nailed both the attraction and the horror of Ronald Reagan with this: "Reagan makes us comfortable with our prejudices."

Such an innocent time. If only the worst thing we faced today was open prejudice, instead of hate-driven violence against everyone who is not white, Xian, hetero, repug and male.

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