Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Get Ready for Governor Comer

It's not confirmed, but it's also totally expected after Crit Luallen's decision to stay out.

From the Courier:
Attorney General Jack Conway has decided to run for Kentucky governor in 2015, according to sources close to him.

Conway's announcement is expected this week and could come as early as Tuesday, according to three sources who spoke the condition of anonymity. He spent Monday calling political allies to tell them of his plans, sources said.

State Rep. Sannie Overly, D-Paris, is expected to be introduced as Conway's running mate.
Conway is just the first of a gaggle of no-hopers who will line up between now and January to get beaten by Agriculture Commissioner Jaime Comer next year.

Don't get me wrong; I lived through the last repug governor and have no desire to go through that again, especially in the current national climate. I sincerely hope a Democratic candidate - any Democratic candidate - wins. It's just that with Luallen out there's not a Democrat in the state who can do it.

Don't believe me? Go to Fancy Farm the first Saturday this August 2, where the Mitch-n-Alison show will take second billing behind Comer and the Democratic Dwarves.

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