Thursday, February 2, 2012

Stand with Planned Parenthood

Annoy a woman-hating anti-choicer. Make the Komen Foundation pay for being corporate-cock-sucking freakazoid-lovers.

Katha Pollit at The Nation tells how:

How you can take action:

Donate to Planned Parenthood for breast care and cancer screenings. Even a small gift at this moment makes a powerful statement of solidarity and resistance.

Check out Nona Willis Aronowitz in GOOD magazine for ways to support women’s health that don’t involve buying pink items you don’t need.

Sign these petitions:
Susan G. Komen for the Cure: Put Women’s Lives Before Politics
Tell the board of Susan G. Komen for a Cure: Don’t throw Planned Parenthood under the bus!

Sign the “I stand with Planned Parenthood” open letter.

Let Komen know how you feel online or call them at 972-701-2168.

Your reward? Barbara Ehrenreich’s classic essay, “Cancerland,” on Komen, pinkwashing and the “breast cancer is the best thing that ever happened to me” industry.

Want to punish the corporations that pay Komen big bucks to deny women the right to decent health care?

From Alternet:

Of course, relying so heavily on corporate partnerships can cut both ways. Many brands that want to cultivate a pro-woman image partner with Komen for that purpose. This year’s national sponsors of Race for the Cure could double as a list of brands that very much want female customers to like them: Yoplait, Ford, Bank of America, Caltrate, New Balance, and Self magazine, among others. The massive media hit demonstrating how little Komen actually prioritizes women’s health could really ding the impact of these partnerships.

Boycott every one. And let them know why.

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